by: Laurence Gardner
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In Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Laurence Gardner uncovered the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and explained how their descendants were sovereign by blood.In his latest work, Gardner reveals that beginning in the 1st century, Imperial Rome decreed the Messianic heirs be hunted down and put to the sword. Then, by virtue of an illegal dictate, the realm of the Ring Lords was supplanted by the material and territorial reigns of the papal kings. He explains how the Catholic Church fraudulently usurped this monarchy through a forged document called the Donation of Constantine, which in 751 AD established the Pope as the supreme spiritual and temporal head of Christendom.Through an analysis of folklore and fable, he makes a compelling case that the Ring Quest and the Messianic bloodline of the Grail dynasty stem from a common historical base which began more than three millennia before the Gospel era. He also illustrates how the author J. R. R. Tolkien, the composer Richard Wagner, and the poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson all understood the power and connection between the Grail and Ring symbolism. His thesis delves into deeply-held myths and legends -- from Robin Hood to fairies, from Santa Claus to Count Dracula -- to identify the conspiracy against the Ring Lords that has undermined Western culture for centuries.
The magical history of the Ring Lords, alluded to in J.R.R. Tolkein's The Lord of the Rings, has been largely consigned to legend and half-remembered battles between good and evil. Shrouded in superna...
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