by: P. J. Plauger
Seller Description
THE STANDARD C LIBRARY shows you how to use all of the library functions mandated by the ANSI and ISO Standards for the programming language C. To help you understand how to use the library, this book also shows you how to implement it. You see approximately 9,000 lines of tested, working code that is highly portable across diverse computer architectures THE STANDARD C LIBRARY explains how the library was meant to be used and how it can be used. It places particular emphasis on features added to C as part of the C Standard These features include support for multiple locales (cultural conventions) and very large character sets (such as Kanji). The code presented in this book has been tested with C compilers from Borland", Saber", Project Gnu, Sun°, UNIX®, and VAX, ULTRIX®. It has passed the widely used Plum Hall Validation Suite" tests for library functions. It has also survived an assortment of public-domain programs designed to stress C implementations and illuminate their darker corners. The mathematical functions are particularly well-engineered and tested. Finally, THE STANDARD C LIBRARY shows you many principles of library design in general. You learn how to design and implement libraries that are highly cohesive and reusable.
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Prentice Hall's most important C programming title in years. A companion volume to Kernighan & Ritchie's C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. A collection of reusable functions (code for building data structures, ...
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