by: Adam Perry
$2.50 $3.00
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The#Magic Misfits by Neil Patrick Harris meets#Disney’s#HocusPocus in this rollicking illustrated#middlegrade novel about two aspiring magicians who stumble upon real magic in their small town. Best friends Duncan Reyes and Emma Gilbert want to be as great as Harry#Houdini someday. But when they discover that their neighborhood#witch is more than just a local legend, their dreams of stardom quickly turn into a nightmare. Perfect for fans of#NatalieLloyd,#TomAngleberger, and#ChrisGrabenstein, this debut#novel is sure to dazzle young readers and deliver one surprise after another like only the best magic tricks can!
The Magic Misfits by Neil Patrick Harris meets Disney’s Hocus Pocus in this rollicking illustrated middle grade novel about two aspiring magicians who stumble upon real magic in their small town. Best...
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