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Little shelfwear Light crease on spine Signet Classic, 380 pages Molière is probably the greatest and best-loved French authori and comic author, who ever lived. To the reader as well as the spectator, today as well as three centuries ago, the appeal of his plays is immediate and durable; they are both instantly accessible and inexhaustible.' —Professor Donald M. Frame This memorable collection represents the many facets of Molière's genius and offers a superb introduction to the "comic inventiveness, richness of fabric, and insight" which comprise Molière's living legacy to theater and literature. Translated and with an Introduction by Donald M. Frame
Seven plays by the genius of French theater. Including The Ridiculous Precieuses, The School for Husbands, The School for Wives, Don Juan, The Versailles Impromptu, and The Critique of the School for...
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