by: Elzbieta Niemirycz, Neil Mullane, Gerald A. Best, Gordon E. Grant, John C. Risley, Marshall W. Gannett, Stephen R. Hinkle, Valerie J. Kelly, Curtis L. DeGasperi, Tarang Khangaonkar, Marek J. Gromiec, Gregory J. Fuhrer, Stuart W. McKenzie, Joseph F. Rinella, Kenneth A. Skach, Tim D. Mayer, Wesley M. Jarrell, William Fish, Jacek Czerwinski, Marek Biziuk, Jacek Namiesnik, Patrick Sandra, Gregory A. Pettit, Adam Mierzwinski, Jacek Rulewski, Karin Sundblad, Andrzej Tonderski, Eugene Foster, Douglas Drake, Alan Herlihy, George Robinson, Jerzy Rybinski, Zbigniev Makowski, Elzbieta Heybowicz, Joseph L. Domagalski, Piotr Morawiec, Teresa Bogacka, Regina Taylor, Irena Kulik-Kuziemska, Romuald Ceglarski, Timothy D. Steele, Russell N. Clayshulte, Stephen G. Ellis, S. Tad Deshler, Richard Miller, Jan Zielinski, Bogdan Ozga-Zielinski, P. J. Ashton, H. R. Van Vliet, Mary Lou Soscia, Derek C. Godwin, J. Ronald Miner, Desmond Hammerton, William J. Sobolewski, Andrzej Dobrowolski, Faith E. Ruffing, Wojciech Szczepanski, Cheryl L. Martin, Philip R. Kaufmann, Lou Reynolds, Jan R. Dojlido, Judith Li, E. George Robison, William C. Romanelli, Dennis G. Woodward, Waldemar Jarosinski, Maciej Smoreda, Barbara Glowacka, Margaret A. House, Patricia A. Benner, James R. Sedell
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Warping of book but no tears and no stains to any of the pages
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What is involved in restoring a river? River Quality: Dynamics and Restoration answers this question through a series of articles and case studies written by some of the field's leading researchers an...
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