by: Gala Darling
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"Gala Darling is a magical woman who has changed the lives of many and will soon take over the world." -- Francesca Lia Block, award-winning author of Weetzie Bat From bestselling author, Gala Darling, Magnetic Mindset: How To Make Love To The Universe And Manifest Anything is your total guide to co-creating a life that lights you up. No matter whether you're a manifesting newbie or an old hand, this book will help you remember your magic, get into vibrational alignment with your desires, and attract them with ease! Magnetic Mindset is like having a conversation with your spiritual BFF: it's jargon-free, simple and straight-forward, and there's a real emphasis on what you can actually do, right now, to become more of a high vibe honey. Inside, you'll learn to get clear on what you want, how to survive on the days when it feels like nothing is working, and how to truly let go, relax and trust the universe. You're in the right place. This is a complete guide to plugging into your own magic, and a reminder that above all else, feeling good is your job!
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