by: Letitia Baldrige
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Here is the ultimate guide on "everything people and their companies need to know to do the right thing at the right time in every business situation".
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Collier Macmillan, 1985 - Business & Economics - 519pages After sixteen printings in its first edition and two in this updated version, this bestseller remains America's most complete guide to the hidden asset that isn't taught in business schools -- the personal behavior that can make you or break you in today's competitive workplace. Letitia Baldrige takes the reader from the first interview and first day at work through all the complex knowledge we need to maneuver through the ranks and rise to the top. WHAT THIS BOOK REVEALS: * The ten major problems at work that never existed before, but which everyone from trainee to CEO must learn to handle today * The twenty-four hallmarks of those who "work smart" today * Which behaviors accepted a short time ago may spell disaster today * The new codes concerning dress...language...socializing with colleagues...behavior when traveling and at conferences or meetings * What degree of informality is acceptable today -- and with whom * What you must know about the new manners relating to diversity...plurality...family values...sexual freedom...and substance abuse problems...about hiring and firing...and much more * A total update on today's business entertaining, from lunch with a guest at your desk to planning parties for thousands * Running meetings, from interoffice to international * Corresponding in every form, from traditional to high-tech electronics...forms of address...Plus the hidden rituals of business life that a polished professional on the rise must learn to handle with poise and confidence As life at work becomes increasingly pressured, everyone needs to know more about improving interpersonal relations. You'll learn exactly what to do, what to say, and how best to present yourself, from this extraordinary guide. Plus -- it's good reading! Book jacket is faded and torn in some areas Book has very slight yellowing of pages Flaws can been seen in photos