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In 2016, Americans spent over $329 billion dollars on prescription medications. This trend has no sign of changing. We live in a country of symptom-chasing gluttony. More people blindly accept their M.D.s recommendations and seldom ask about the harmful side-effects their newly prescribed pills create. In the age of insurance industry greed combined with Big Pharma collusion, patients are at risk. The simple truth is nutrition normalizes function. Until Americans embrace that the best doctor is and forever will be the one that resides within, more harm and deaths are sure to follow at the hands of the broken medical model. Collectively, we must wake up and recognize the power only food has to heal. Properly digesting fats, carbohydrates and proteins and efficiently energizing and nourishing the body involves the most important nutrient of all, enzymes. The moment for personal responsibility and taking back control of your health is now. Prepare to discover the role nutrition has on your overall health and how energy deficiencies result from undigested food.
Whether you are experiencing painful gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, look well to the gut as the source of your problem. Undigested food is the most overlooked source of energy deficiency and...
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