by: Heather K. Jones
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Sometimes it's the simple choices-like switching diet soda for regular; selecting a less-caloric sandwich at the fast food joint; stopping at just one dip into the candy bowl; filling up on salad rath...
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A slimmer you in just 2 weeks! Are you ready? Simply take our handy Diet Decoder Quiz to pinpoint your personal eating pitfalls. Then mix and match the techniques to tackle them: • Replace your two-a-day regular sodas with diet soda-cut 3,500 calories to drop a full pound in less than two weeks. • Got a fast food habit? Make better choices at your favorite chain restaurants to cut thousands of calories. • Avoid grazing and you'll save 25 calories a mouthful. Reduce your snacking by six little bites a day to lose 15 pounds in one year! • Blast the fat with our simple exercises. Do step aerobics for 30 minutes and you'll burn 284 calories each workout.