by: Daniel Dafoe
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#hardcover#fiction#adventure#adventurestories#classic#danieldefoe#RobinsonCrusoe#CaptainSingleton#MollFlanders#AJournalOfThePlagueYear Daniel Defoe was an innovative writer whose prose works in the early eighteenth century helped to revolutionize the novel as a literary form. Steeped in satire and full of trenchant social and political criticism, Defoe’s novels open a fascinating window onto the time and place where they were written, even as they abound with entertainment for the modern reader. This literary omnibus features five of Defoe’s best-known works, among them his masterpiece, Robinson Crusoe and its sequel, The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Included as well are Captain Singleton, Moll Flanders, and the historical novel A Journal of the Plague Year, all of which continue to influence the way we read and write fiction today.
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