by: Andy McSmith
$16.29 $18.29
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In this analysis, Andy McSmith brings an expert eye to bear on the enormous changes Labour has undergone on the long road back to Number 10. A former press officer and now a political correspondent for the Observer, Andy McSmith gives an account—both as an insider and as a critical observer—of what is really going on in the Labour Party. McSmith describes the transition from a party dominated by the radical left into a social democratic party. He reassesses the tensions between Old and New Labour, focusing on individuals whose careers throw different aspects of a complex story into sharp relief. ISBN: 1859849682 1.8 pounds 6.25 x 1.25 x 9.5 inches 394 pages Verso (November 17, 1996
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McSmith focuses on key individuals in the party whose careers cast a complex story into sharp relief. His choice of subjects is deliberately eclectic. It includes portraits of politicians like Peter M...
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