by: Emmanuel Guibert
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VGUC. One marker spot (pictured). ARIOL#6: A NASTY CAT is the 6th volume of stories featuring the young anthropomorphic donkey, Ariol. The Nasty Cat in the title refers to one of Ariol’s nemesis, a cat named Timberwolf. Timberwolf is a bully, but he really doesn’t appear in these stories all that much. The stories in this collection are: “The Race” – during P.E. at school, Ariol’s class takes place in a running some laps. It isn’t a race, but Ariol pretends it is and tries to finish first. “Foundation” – Ariol wants to look more like his idol, Superhorse. So, he puts his ears back and uses some of his Mom’s foundation to paint his face. Unfortunately, he can’t get it off. “Snow Day” – It snows one day. Ariol’s dad can’t get his car started so Ariol and his friend, Ramono, walk to school. “Petula! Petula!” – Ariol hears a song on the radio with the name “Petula” in the title. Petula is the little cow Ariol has a crush on. So, he decides he is going to find out the name of the song and buy the cd to give to Petula. “A Surprise” – Ariol’s birthday is coming up and he wants to do something different this year. “Truth or Dare” – on a bus ride for a field trip, Ariol and Ramono sit next to Petula and Mothbella. Petula and Mothbella start playing truth or dare and Ariol hopes that he will be asked to join in the game. “One to Zero” – Ramono spends the night at Ariol’s. They plan to get Ariol’s parents to let them stay up to watch the soccer game. That doesn’t happen, so they have to hatch a new plan. “Aquasplash” – Ariol and his dad spend the day at the water park. “Mrs. Sapolin’s Pies” – Ariol and Ramono go with Ariol’s grandmother to bake pies at Mrs. Sapolin’s house. While there, they meet Mr. Sapolin. “Don Olio and his Rhythms” – While at the bizarre selling pies for Mrs. Sapolin, Ariol gets to meet some musicians and sing on stage. “Vote for Ariol” – Ariol decides to run for class president so he can get closer to Petula. But things don’t go as planned. “The Election” – It’s the class election day. Will Ariol win the election or will he find a way out of it?
Product Details
Timberwolf is Ariol's best enemy, an ill-tempered cat always picking a fight, making fun of anything and everybody, even of Thunder Horse! And you know what's worse? Petula likes that obnoxious tomcat...
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