Star Wars and Sundries—books for your every need Shelves | Pango Books

Shelves by Star Wars and Sundries—books for your every need

Star Wars and Sundries—books for your every need's curated list of bookshelves to organize all their favorite books

Star Wars and Sundries—books for your every need


The American Girls Party Book
Welcome to Samantha's World, 1904
Felicity's Cooking Studio

American Girl books

7 books

Riverdale Vol. 1
Riverdale Vol. 2
The Best of Archie Comics Book 1 Deluxe Edition

Archie Comics Collectors list

11 books

Dracula, Motherf**cker


1 book

Clara's Kitchen
How to Dress an Egg
Felicity's Cooking Studio


6 books

Red Book
All the Pretty Things
Mastering Genealogical Proof

Family history/ genealogy

14 books

Outlander 90
Lord John and the Private Matter
A Series of Unfortunate Events #1: the Bad Beginning

Favorite series

5 books

Splinter of the Mind's Eye
Star Wars Lost Stars, Vol. 1 (manga)
Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi

Go see a star war

9 books

The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family
The Warmth of Other Suns


2 books

A People's History of the United States
Howard Zinn's Legacies
Star Struck

Non fic tbr

7 books

To Love and to Loathe
At First Spite
To Have and to Hoax

Romance TBR

6 books

Writing in Restaurants
Complete Creative Writing Course
On Writing Well


23 books