estherfungreads Shelves | Pango Books

Shelves by estherfungreads

estherfungreads's curated list of bookshelves to organize all their favorite books



The Art of War
The Bluest Eye
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair

Classics by Authors of Color

30 books

A Terribly Serious Adventure
The Anatomy Coloring Book
The Hocus Pocus Spell Book

Cool Pango Finds

3 books

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
La niña Perdida (The Story of the Lost Child)
The Overstory

New York Times Best Books of the 21...

89 books

The Memory Police
Days of Distraction
Home Fire

sad Asian girl lit

11 books

Normal People
My Year of Rest and Relaxation

the sad girl book list

2 books

The Fraud
The Housekeeper and the Professor
Demon Copperhead


17 books