Aaron Marvel Shelves | Pango Books

Shelves by Aaron Marvel

Aaron Marvel's curated list of bookshelves to organize all their favorite books

Aaron Marvel


Wreck the Halls
The Mistletoe Mystery
A Seduction at Christmas


19 books

Hollywood Divorces
Hollywood Kids

Jackie Collins

24 books

From Russia with Love
Diamonds Are Forever
The Man with the Golden Gun

James Bond

12 books

Roses Are Red
Roses Are Red
Roses Are Red

James Patterson

9 books

The Rainmaker
The Rainmaker
The Partner

John Grisham

4 books

Rough Justice
Rough Justice
Rough Justice

Lisa Scottoline

3 books

Finding Lost
Lost: Messages from the Island
Reading Lost


7 books

One Knee Equals Two Feet
Alex Ferguson
100 Things Phillies Fans Should Know and Do Before They Die


8 books

Just after Sunset
Just after Sunset
Billy Summers

Stephen King

9 books

After I Do
Forever, Interrupted
Forever, Interrupted

Taylor Jenkins Reid

5 books

Wild Ducks Flying Backward
Villa Incognito
Villa Incognito

Tom Robbins

8 books