Isaac Asimov's Robot series takes you on a fascinating journey into the future where humans have colonized other planets and created humanoid robots. The story revolves around a New York detective, Elijah Baley, and his unique partnership with a humanoid robot named R. Daneel Olivaw. Together, they must navigate complex societal dynamics, ethical dilemmas, and thrilling murder mysteries. As you follow their adventures, you'll explore themes of artificial intelligence, human-robot interaction, and the effects of different environments on psychology and culture. The series brilliantly combines detective fiction with science fiction, making for a compelling and thought-provoking read.

4 books

The Caves of Steel

Book 1Published 1954

The Caves of Steel

by Isaac Asimov


Fearing a violent confrontation between Earthmen and Spacers, Detective Baley and his new partner, a robot, investigate the murder of a Spacetown scientist Read more


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The Naked Sun

Book 2Published 1957

The Naked Sun

by Isaac Asimov


A millennium into the future, two advancements have altered the course of human history:  the colonization of the Galaxy and the creation of the positronic brain.  On the beautiful Outer World planet of Solaria, a handful of human colonists lead a he... Read more


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The Robots of Dawn

Book 3Published 1983

The Robots of Dawn

by Isaac Asimov

A puzzling case of roboticide sends New York Detective Elijah Baley on an intense search for a murderer. Armed with his own instincts, his quirky logic, and the immutable Three Laws of Robotics, Baley is determined to solve the case. But can anything... Read more


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Robots and Empire

Book 4Published 1985

Robots and Empire

by Isaac Asimov

Long after his humiliating defeat at the hands of Earthman Elijah Baley, Keldon Amadiro embarked on a plan to destroy planet Earth. But even after his death, Baley's vision continued to guide his robot partner, R. Daneel Olivaw, who had the wisdom of... Read more


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