Theresa DeFazio
New sale starts today, up to 50% off orders. Get those big orders in while the big discounts are happening! ***THANK YOU FOR ALL THE 5 STAR REVIEWS, I APPRECIATE ALL MY CUSTOMERS AND WORK HARD TO GIVE MY BEST SERVICE TO EVERYONE. IF EVER A PROBLEM I WILL DO ALL I CAN TO MAKE IT RIGHT**** FREE SURPRISE BOOK AFTER ORDERING 8 BOOKS AS A THANK YOU FROM THE FRONTIER GIRLS. I run a local free bookshed for my community, all books are donated. Books posted here are duplicates of what are already in the shed, books that have been in the shed for awhile or books that arent popular around here. Proceeds from the sales go to our local Frontier Girls Troop. Message me to bundle to save on shipping costs. Books are mailed next day, if there will be a delay i try and let you know as soon as possible.
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