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✨ Tome After Tome ✨


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Smoke Free Home FREE SHIPPING for orders $50+ $3 off orders $25 Bundles get you the items at an additional discounted price! Willing to accept (reasonable) offers to bundle single items Hey there fellow bibliophiles! Tess here 🙋🏽‍♀️ I read a lot of Romantacy (live for the spice!), Dark Romance, Classics, Fantasy, YA, Mythology, Spirtual, Self Improvement, all things Witchy or New Age, Dark Humor, Mystery, Thriller, Horror, and Poetry. But I also do the occasional workbooks and cookbooks! I’ll be offloading some of my treasures here to make room for new ones. I like to create bundles, but please note that if you see a book in a bundle, it’s also available for single sale (at a slightly higher price), but I only have one copy of the book. As such, they are sold on a first come first serve basis, and once purchased, I will update my inventory accordingly. In my downtime. I do enjoy making stickers and bookmarks so when available I like to include free little gifts with purchases. I do also like to offer 5% discounts on your next purchase for honest reviews. Just simply shoot me a message before placing your order. 😎 I also post these listings on Facebook marketplace @tomeaftertome if you’re local to the San Antonio area and would like to save a few bucks! Happy shopping and reading! ***UPDATE*** I’m starting to airbrush book edges so those will be coming into my store soon and at an affordable price! I also have some romantasy novels coming in soon such as Fourth Wing, ACOTAR and throne of glass series. The one for the throne of glass series is a UK first edition and both will have painted edges as well. Be sure to follow my Shop for all my updates!  i’ll also be making some changes to my shipping to make shipping more affordable on here for some of my items so stay tuned

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