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Stephanie Baker


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📚 Lifelong reader/book collector *** Ambassador code: STEPHANIE632305 to save $5 on your first ever Pango order of $10 or more. *** Below are some of the key categories in my store: *Amish *Christian fiction *historical *romance *World War 2/Holocaust *mysteries *vintage books *children's books *vintage children's mystery series *teen and preteen Check out my original poetry books. Enjoy perusing my bookstore. I will be adding many more books in a variety of genres from my family's bookshelves. There should be something of interest for nearly everyone. Look closely.....there are currently several 2 in 1, 3 in 1 and 4 in 1 books! I try to be very descriptive about all the books 📚 in my store, so please read about the books' condition and check out my multiple pictures. And if you still have questions, ask! I'm a book collector first, above being a book seller, so I try to answer any question that I might have in the description. Smoke free home....but we do have cats 🐈.

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