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Lori James (Mabbit)


High Quality

Hello. Everyone calls me Mabbit. I have a love for finding forgotten or lost things such as a lot of these old books. I'm an avid reader, of course. I expect many of us book sellers are. I'm a college student getting my digital media degree at 39. It's never too late to decide what you want to do with your life. And, last but absolutely not least, I am a video game addict. Fallout is my world. My husband loves to joke that I don't care what anyone thinks of me in real life but if you mess with my characters reputation I will get angry LMAO. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the books the selection is small so far but it will grow and if you have any requests please let me know I do have a really good habit of coming across exactly what someone is asking for.

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