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We first meet Katie Byrne at seventeen. A tall and lanky beauty with reddish-gold hair, she has always wanted to be an actress. Her two best friends share her passion for the theatre, and the three girls have spent much of their childhood rehearsing plays in an old barn in Connecticut. Leaving early one day to help her mother prepare dinner, Katie realizes she has left her schoolbooks at the barn, and she and her older brother return to retrieve them. When they arrive, they find that the barn, the setting of so many happy dreams, has become the scene of a one of Katie's friends has been raped and murdered and the other lies unconscious. Ten years later, katie, a struggling actress in New York, is still haunted by the tragedy. Her friend Carly remains in a coma, and Katie desperately wants to achieve success and stardom not only for herself but also for her two old friends. Her big chance comes when she is discovered and wins a major role in a Broadway play. A promising love affair adds to the excitement of working in the theatre; but Katie must face the demons of the past before she can embrace the possibilities of the future.
Ten years after a brutal attack that left one best friend dead and the other in a coma, struggling New York actress Katie Byrne wins a major role in a Broadway play but finds she must face her past in...
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