Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Social Science
Format - Paperback
Condition - Excellent
Listed - 4 months ago
Wishes - 1
Ships From - Minnesota
Est. Publication Date - Feb 2006
Seller Description
this incisive and insightful book, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano peels back the legal veneer and shows how politicians, judges, prosecutors, and bureaucrats are trampling the U.S. Constitution in the name of law and order and fighting terrorism. Napolitano reveals how they: silence the First Amendment shoot holes in the Second break some laws to enforce others entrap citizens steal private property seize evidence without warrant imprison without charge kill without cause Pundits on the right, left, and center have praised Constitutional Chaos for its penetrating examination of our rights and liberties in the post-9/11 world. "Has the war on terrorism taken away some of your rights? In a non-ideological way, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano answers that crucial question. This book will open your eyes."-Bill O'Reilly
Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws
ISBN: 9781595550408
Publisher Description
In this alarming book, Fox News commentator Judge Napolitano makes the solid case that there is a pernicious and ever-expanding pattern of government abuse in America's criminal justice system, leadin...
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