Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Religion
Format - Paperback
Condition - Good
Listed - A month ago
Views - 1
Ships From - Arkansas
Est. Publication Date - Aug 2008
Seller Description
For almost twenty years, Foundational Issues in Christian Education has been a key text for many Christian education courses. Its perceptive analysis coupled with clear writing make it a resource without peer. In the book, Christian education expert Robert Pazmiño guides readers through a comprehensive discussion of the interdisciplinary foundations of Christian education, calling all Christian educators to reevaluate the fundamentals of their discipline. "A careful exploration of foundations," writes Pazmiño, "is essential before specifying principles and guidelines for practice."
Foundational Issues in Christian Education: An Introduction in Evangelical Perspective
ISBN: 9780801035937
Publisher Description
Updated and revised, this book explores the essential foundations of Christian education that educators draw upon in their thought and practice.
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