I have read this book 5 times, and every time, I get something new out of it! Im glad, and I'm not, that it's on school reading lists. I think that makes people shy away from books when they are on HS reading lists. But Pi is such a loveable character. And his adventure....wow! And the ending.......
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Pamela M
275 book reviews
Jun 25, 2023
This is the type of book that I would have loved had I read it during my younger years. Or, had I read it with my heart rather than my brain. But since I did read it using my jaded perception, I can't help but notice the religious/spiritual pandering and the heavy-handed use of symbolism. Nothing ag...
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Breanne Thiel
4 book reviews
Aug 19, 2023
Go into this book with an open mind is the best advice I can give people who are thinking about reading it for the first time. Its different, makes you think and there is some heavy symbolism. However I do feel as though that symbolism can be interpreted differently by each person. It is a book that...