Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Reference
Format - Paperback
Condition - Excellent
Listed - A month ago
Wishes - 1
Ships From - Texas
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In Tools for Teaching, Dr. Jones describes the skills by which exceptional teachers make the classroom a place of success and enjoyment for both themselves and their students. Tools for Teaching integrates the management of discipline, instruction and motivation into a system that allows you to reduce the stress of teaching by preventing most management headaches. Dr. Jones helps you reduce student disruptions, backtalk, helpless handraising and dawdling while helping you increase responsible behavior, motivation and independent learning. These skills are made accessable by practical, down-to-earth language and many examples and illustrations that provide the next best thing to attending one of Dr. Jones' workshops. The second edition also includes an Overview DVD of Dr. Jones entire program; including how to use the Study Group Acitivity Guide, workshops, and parent videos.