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"Stephenie Meyer is an amazing phenomenon— out of the brightness of her mind and spirit comes the illuminated darkness of her stories. For no matter how much pain her characters suffer, Meyer infuses the tales with light and hope." -ORSON SCOTT CARD, AUTHOR OF THE ENDER SAGA "A fantastic, inventive, thoughtful, and powerful novel. The Host should come with a warning label: it will grab you and keep you reading well into the wee hours of night, and keep you thinking, deeply, hauntingly, well after the final word. Stephenie Meyer captures characters and handles story line like a master—a hybrid combination of Stephen King and Isaac Asimov." -RIDLEY PEARSON, AUTHOR OF KILLER WeEKEND "A fascinating, passionate, and unique psychological thriller. In The Host, Stephenie Meyer gives a new and surprising meaning to the phrase 'being of two minds'!" -KATHERINE NEVILLE, AUTHOR OF THE EIGHT
by: Stephenie Meyer
A member of a species that takes over the minds of human bodies, Wanderer is unable to disregard his host's love for a man in hiding, a situation that forces both possessor and host to become unwillin...
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