Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Cooking
Format - Paperback
Condition - New
Listed - A year ago
Views - 12
Ships From - Florida
Est. Publication Date - Nov 2005
Seller Description
Cooking at De Gustibus with Arlene Feltman Sailhac. De Gustibus is a renowned culinary school in New York City. Arlene has put together the best 100 recipes from 100 celebrated chefs. For the last quarter century De Gustabus cooking school in New York city and has enjoyed the unique view of the culinary revolution as it sweeps across America, transforming chefs into celebrities and introducing new dishes into American menus and new foods into American kitchens. First printing in 2005. Published in New York City.
Cooking at de Gustibus: Celebrating 25 Years of Culinary Innovation
ISBN: 9781584794592
Publisher Description
This unique cookbook and culinary history celebrates 25 years of the De Gustibus at Macy's cooking school, a renowned culinary venue that has featured demonstration classes by all the major food and w...
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