Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Children's
Format - Paperback
Condition - Like New
Listed - 2 months ago
Views - 1
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Ships From - Washington
Est. Publication Date - Apr 2018
Seller Description
"But my thoughts around this changed in a flash when I noticed the damage caused by our trash. The sight of it caused a reaction in me, and all I could say was 'Not for me, please!'" Luke is a wise, confident, and caring young boy. After seeing first-hand the damage caused to the environment and animals due to trash and waste, he's changed his ways and now thinks and acts green. He believes he can have a big impact on the world around him and protecting the planet has become his new passion. Using his helpful phrase, "Not for me, please!", he shares examples of how he chooses differently than others to act green. Luke hopes he can teach you why plastic, not recycling, and overconsumption are harmful to our planet and what you can do to impact this with the choices you make. Lastly, for our big readers, he's included some interesting facts, definitions, and statistics on the bottom of some pages to help explain the scenario being discussed in more detail. With this information, he hopes to better equip you to explain to your young reader what Luke is sharing or answer some of the questions that may pop "A timely, universal and critical message conveyed through the voice of a young child. This beautifully written and illustrated story provides the perfect blend of courage and responsibility to convey the growing dangers of carelessness and waste, and how individual actions can make a difference. Maria Godsey hits the bullseye with her first children's book." -Darryl E. Green, Author ( This is a “Little Justice Leaders” subscription box with great supplemental activities included with the book. This one’s theme is “Environmental Sustainability and Reducing Waste” In like new condition!
Not for Me, Please! I Choose to Act Green Little Justice Leaders Activity Pack: I Choose to Act Green
ISBN: 9781986909327
Publisher Description
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