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Just Call Me ‘Paul’ is the story of a boy, born in a tough Irish neighborhood in the Midwest, who became a handsome guy with the gift of gab and a zest for living. In his lifetime, which extended over most of the 20th Century, he chased his dreams which were always just over the next hill. But along the way, he lived each day with a sense of adventure and optimism. “I had immediate rapport with Paul, and how could you not? It was like having Norman Vincent Peale to talk with. His Power of Positive Thinking, his optimistic attitude, that tendency to look always beyond the shabbiness of life – these qualities were both enviable and infectious.” - Ron Presnell Sharon Ehlert Pinkston retired from a career in state government, as a social worker, and lives in the Texas Hill Country. She developed an interest in writing at her local library and has written two memoirs and two novels.